A Survey of Flash Memory Based Near-Data Processing Technology


National Natural Science Foundation of China (61802038, 62072059)

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    The isolation of storage and compute units in the Von Neumann architecture leads to the “storage wall” problem, which makes the existing system architecture hard to cope with the challenges of data explosion caused by the wide application of big data and artificial intelligence technologies. The continuous growth of data has led to an evolution in the computing paradigm. Researchers try to move the compute unit to the storage system, that is Near-Data Processing (NDP) technology. NDP technology refers to utilizing the computing power of the storage controller to perform I/O intensive computing tasks, which brings advantages such as low latency, high scalability, and low power consumption while reducing data movement, and has broad application prospects. This article first introduces the near-data computing architecture, subsequently outlines the research results of NDP systems for specific applications and some general scenarios, then summarizes the hardware and software platform and industry progress of NDP, finally looks into the future development trend of NDP technology.

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LI Jiali, LIU Duo, CHEN Xianzhang, et al. A Survey of Flash Memory Based Near-Data Processing Technology[J]. Journal of Integration Technology,2022,11(3):23-41

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  • Online: May 18,2022
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